billede af online kurset: ChatGPT in Action - Realizing the Impact of AI in Various Business Domains

ChatGPT in Action - Realizing the Impact of AI in Various Business Domains

E-Book Manual for Business Excellence with more than 100 prompts for business.

  • Udgivet af Anette Starke
  • Ubegrænset adgang

  • Sidst opdateret 18/10/2024

78,00 kr.

Det lærer du

Learn about the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT, and understand how it can be effectively used in various contexts.

Explore how ChatGPT can assist in generating creative ideas, brainstorming sessions, and innovation within your business.

Explore how ChatGPT can assist in providing insights and suggestions for strategic decision-making across different business areas.

Discover techniques to create engaging and relevant content using ChatGPT for marketing, customer engagement, and more.

Det får du:
  • 2 dybdegående PDF-filer

  • Ubegrænset adgang

  • Tilgængelig via mobil, tablet og computer


2 lektioner

Her is you e-Book Manual for Business Excellence.

Her er din ekstra bonus e-bog


Are you ready to revolutionize your company's performance and achieve unparalleled success? Imagine having a comprehensive, expert-curated resource right at your fingertips that empowers you to lead your team to new heights, make informed decisions, and drive remarkable growth. Look no further – "ChatGPT in Action" is here to supercharge your leadership journey!

The e-book covers diverse work areas such as Sales and Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting, Operations and Logistics, Information Technology, Customer Service, Research and Development, Administration and Legal, Project Management, and Leadership and Management. Each work area includes specific prompts and strategies, making it a valuable resource for individuals with a deeper understanding of business operations.

  • With this e-book you get access to a wealth of knowledge and insights at a fraction of the cost of hiring individual consultants for each domain.
  • With 100+ super cool prompts categorized into 10 business areas you can gain substantial value to your company by potentially saving hundreds of hours compared to hiring a consultant for advice by the hour.

A comprehensive collection

The comprehensive collection of prompts is designed to enhance various aspects of your company's performance across different work areas. These prompts are carefully curated to empower your team members with valuable insights and strategies in the key domains that drive success within your organization.

This e-book is NOT about ChatGPT. It is a manual with more than 100 prompts to use within AI/ChatGPT, that helps you empower different business areas.

Target group

The target group for this e-book would be professionals and business leaders across various industries who are interested in enhancing their organization's performance and achieving success.


  • Basic Computer Literacy: Familiarity with using computers, the internet, and standard software applications.
  • Business Understanding: A foundational understanding of business operations, marketing, customer engagement, and other relevant domains.
  • Access to ChatGPT: Access to the ChatGPT platform or API, along with a basic understanding of how it functions.
  • Basic English Reading Skills: Proficiency in reading and understanding written English content.

Din instruktør


Anette Starke

Coaching & rådgivning

8 kurser

Jeg har et holistisk menneskesyn og sætter en ære i at repræsentere stor faglighed, både praktisk og teoretisk. Min mission er, på et professionelt og etisk grundlag, at hjælpe mennesker og organisationer med at realisere potentialer og skabe positive forandringer. Midlet er fokus, indsigt og effektive metoder.

Jeg har en baggrund inden for både det teknologiske og humanistiske område, både som leder og specialist. Jeg er uddannet civiløkonom med efter-/videreuddannelse inden for ledelse, psykologi, digitalisering, coaching, filosofi og bæredygtighed.


Dette kursus har ingen anmeldelser endnu.

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