billede af Jacob Hartmann


Jacob Hartmann

AI Business Transformation Course Instructor


Meet Jacob Hartmann, a successful business owner from Denmark, who has found remarkable success in integrating Artificial Intelligence into every facet of his business. His journey with AI began by navigating through numerous courses, each contributing a piece to his comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Despite the knowledge he gained, Jacob Hartmann recognized a gap in the existing educational resources. He felt that the material could be made more accessible, digestible, and practical, empowering more people to grasp and apply AI in their businesses. This insight sparked the genesis of the "Mastering AI for Business: From Theory to Practice" course.

Jacob Hartmann believes in the transformative power of AI and is passionate about making this technology accessible to all. His teaching approach emphasizes real-world applications and practical strategies, demystifying complex concepts, and making AI less intimidating.

With the "Mastering AI for Business: From Theory to Practice" course, Jacob Hartmann brings his wealth of experience and unique teaching philosophy to the forefront, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and helping others to leverage the power of AI in their own businesses.

Online kurser fra Jacob Hartmann

Mastering AI for Business: From Theory to Practice

Jacob Hartmann

Mastering AI for Business: From Theory to Practice

650,00 kr.